Your network of excellence in the gas and water industry

The DVGW supports the gas and water industry in all technical and scientific areas. The main focus of the Association’s work is on safety and hygiene as well as environmental and consumer protection. The DVGW elaborates technical rules designed to promote the technical self-management of the German gas and water industry, thus ensuring the safe and secure supply of gas and water according to the highest international standards. The Association, which was founded in 1859, currently has approximately 14,000 members. The DVGW is free from economic and political influences.

DVGW Research Center at Engler-Bunte-Institut of Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)
DVGW Research Center at Engler-Bunte-Institut of KIT
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Gas cooker

Gas applications

In the field of gas applications, our research supports the safe operation and use of renewable gases. The constant aim is to enable the optimum use of fuel with minimum emissions.

Research into gas applications extends into everyday life.; © Matthias Bitsch

The DVGW Research Center is involved in collaborative research projects on gas applications. What’s more, we take on industrial research assignments and actively research for international and national standardisation.

The scientific investigations are focussed on two areas:

  • Industrial, commercial and domestic gas applications
  • Fittings as well as measurement and control technology required in gas transport and gas distribution

The specific fields of focus are:

  • Optimising fuel utilisation
  • Emissions reduction
  • Ensuring high safety standards in gas transport, distribution and use

In doing so, the DVGW Research Center contributes to safe gas transport and the energy-saving, cost-efficient and environmentally-friendly application of gas.

The DVGW Research Centre investigates the use of renewable gases for manufacturers of gas applications to support the development of new products. To do so, researchers not only monitor the further development of gas application technologies, but also their systemic integration in cooperation with the equipment and system manufacturers.

Our experts provide high-level research and consulting services from a single unit.

To effectively support project partners with their issues, the research activities extend from material tests through to the analysis of thermoprocessing plants and fundamental research through to system optimisations.

  • Various exposure chambers and high-pressure test stations for different test gas compositions, humidities, temperature and pressure specifications are available for material and ageing tests.
  • Elastomers and plastics can be examined for gas permeabilities.
  • Our accredited laboratory can carry out chemical analyses.
  • The gas service side primarily tests innovative technologies, such as hybrid systems, gas heat pumps and micro-CHP systems at various test stations and analyses the associated performance data and emissions.

More detailed material tests are possible on-site with our KIT partners.

If you have any questions on gas applications please contact
Christof Weis
Gruppenleiter ∙ Verbrennungstechnologie∙ Gasanwendung
Phone+49 721 608-41263