Your network of excellence in the gas and water industry

The DVGW supports the gas and water industry in all technical and scientific areas. The main focus of the Association’s work is on safety and hygiene as well as environmental and consumer protection. The DVGW elaborates technical rules designed to promote the technical self-management of the German gas and water industry, thus ensuring the safe and secure supply of gas and water according to the highest international standards. The Association, which was founded in 1859, currently has approximately 14,000 members. The DVGW is free from economic and political influences.

DVGW Research Center at Engler-Bunte-Institut of Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)
DVGW Research Center at Engler-Bunte-Institut of KIT
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[Translate to Englisch:] organizational chart

DVGW Research Center at Engler-Bunte-Institut of Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)

The DVGW Research Center at the Engler-Bunte-Institut is a research institute of the Deutscher Verein des Gas- und Wasserfaches e. V. at the Karlsuhe Institute of Technology (KIT), which has been committed to practical gas and water research since 1907.

At the DVGW Research Centre at the Engler-Bunte Institute of KIT, the focus is on safety, climate and resource protection as well as hygiene.; © DVGW-EBI

Around 80 employees work in the fields of gas technology, gas application, water chemistry and water technology in close collaboration with the departments of the Engler-Bunte-Institut at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology.

The Gas Technology department studies the integrated role that gas plays in the energy transition. It addresses questions relating to the safe and environmentally responsible processing, distribution and use of gases. One area of focus of the research activities is on the production, cleaning and supply of hydrogen and methane from renewable sources. This involves the development of novel gas production and cleaning processes as well as the investigation of technical, economic, ecological and regulation-related aspects. It also delves into system analysis and network-specific issues along the entire gas supply chain. What’s more, the division operates accredited laboratories in the areas of fuel analysis and materials testing.

The centrepiece of the Gas Application division is the accredited DVGW Test Laboratory Gas. This laboratory is performing testing and inspections of products in the field of gas application and gas distribution for the DVGW’s certification body. Through its qualified testing activities and its active collaboration in various standardisation bodies, the Test Laboratory Gas is renowned throughout Europe and always at the cutting edge of technology. The Gas Application division also carries out research and development activities.

The Water Chemistry and Water Technology division has extensive experience in the different areas related to water as a public service and as raw material for energy and industrial processes. In particular we provide an wide expertise in membrane filtration of natural waters and process water applying pressure driven membranes (e.g. micro, ultra-, nanofiltration and reverse osmosis) as well as membrane distillation and electrodialysis. Monitoring and evaluation of the performance water treatment processes, especially on membranes is an add-on of our water division.



As one of the leading providers of innovation and knowledge in gas and water research, we want to make a significant contribution to the success of the energy transition and the preservation of a sustainable water supply in Germany and Europe.


As an interface between basic research and application-oriented implementation, we pursue a holistic approach and offer our partners and customers a broad portfolio of research, testing and consulting services. We develop innovative and practical solutions taking into account technological, ecological, economic and social framework conditions and actively contribute our expertise to the discourse on the energy transition and sustainable resource management.

Mission statement

    Our work is driven and motivated by the transformation of the energy supply in compliance with climate targets and the design of a sustainable water supply and the associated resource management in a national and European context.
    We develop innovative processes and technologies, implementation concepts, test methods and services in cooperation with project partners and customers. Our innovative and interdisciplinary working environment at KIT and the pronounced practical relevance through close cooperation with DVGW member companies are important building blocks here.
    We stand for independent and open-ended research, testing and consulting and meet scientific standards. We are characterized by reliability and high quality.
    Our efficiency is based on the high professional qualifications and motivation of our employees. We provide the necessary scientific and technical foundation by training junior staff ourselves and continuously developing our employees.
    We are involved in national and international standardization and regulatory bodies as well as research networks and are a point of contact and knowledge broker for companies in the utilities sector and related industries.
    We maintain a collegial, open and respectful working relationship and our working methods are characterized by trust, self-determined and independent action and an interest in new ideas. The personal satisfaction and further development of our employees is a basic prerequisite for our success. This also includes the compatibility of work and private life.

Gas testing facility historical
The first building of the gas testing facility © KIT

In 1907 the Deutscher Verein des Gas- und Wasserfaches e. V. (DVGW) opened the research center formerly known as the “Lehr- und Versuchsgasanstalt“, affiliated to the former University of Karlsruhe (University of Technology).

The DVGW Research Center has since carried out its research in close collaboration with the Engler-Bunte-Institut (EBI) at what is now the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT). A DVGW Research Center division is assigned to each of the three KIT departments of the EBI, as shown in the above organisational chart.

As part of the DVGW e. V., the Research Center is not-for-profit and collaborates closely with other research institutes associated with the DVGW as part of the DVGW innovation campaign.

Professors Carl Engler and Hans Bunte were outstanding scientists in the field of chemical engineering

Management Board
Managing Director of the Gas Technology Division
Prof. Dr. Thomas Kolb
Phone+49 721 608-42560
Spokesperson, Managing Director of the Water Chemistry and Technology Division
Prof. Dr. Harald Horn
Wasserchemie und Wassertechnologie
Phone+49 721 608-42580
Managing Director of the Gas Application Division
Prof. Dr. Dimosthenis Trimis
Phone+49 721 608-42570
Division Management
Gas Technology and Internal Service Division Manager
Dr. Frank Graf
Bereichsleiter Gastechnologie
Phone+49 721 608-41220
Gas Application Division Manager
Dr. Jens Hoffmann
Bereichsleiter Gasanwendung ∙ Prüflaboratorium Gas
Phone+49 721 608-41245
Water Chemistry and Water Technology Division Manager
Dr. Florencia Saravia
Bereichsleiterin Wasserchemie und Wassertechnologie
Phone+49 721 608-47894