Your network of excellence in the gas and water industry

The DVGW supports the gas and water industry in all technical and scientific areas. The main focus of the Association’s work is on safety and hygiene as well as environmental and consumer protection. The DVGW elaborates technical rules designed to promote the technical self-management of the German gas and water industry, thus ensuring the safe and secure supply of gas and water according to the highest international standards. The Association, which was founded in 1859, currently has approximately 14,000 members. The DVGW is free from economic and political influences.

DVGW Research Center at Engler-Bunte-Institut of Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)
DVGW Research Center at Engler-Bunte-Institut of KIT
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Found 49 results.
  1. Service
    Homepage ... Services Test Laboratory Gas Materials Materials testing × Materials testing Leak test on a pipe joint © Matthias Bitsch Leak test on a pipe joint © Matthias Bitsch Materials for gas-cond …
  2. News
    Homepage ... DVGW-EBI News News from the DVGW Research Center at Engler-Bunte-Institut of Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) Year of Publication 2023 2022 2021 2020 Topic Gas Water Research DVGW …
  3. Service
    Water services
    Homepage ... Services Water services Analytics and other services in the field of water chemistry and water technology The field of water chemistry and water technology provides comprehensive analytic …
  4. Getting started
    Topics at the DVGW Research Center The DVGW Research Center deals with the topics of gas and water at the interface between research and application. Basic research on hydrodynamics and mass transport …
  5. Subject
    What we do
    DVGW Research Center at Engler-Bunte-Institut of Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) The DVGW Research Center at the Engler-Bunte-Institut is a research institute of the Deutscher Verein des Gas- …
  6. News from 25.03.2021
    MethQuest - promising interim results
    News 25. March 2021 MethQuest—promising interim results While the project partners are entering the final sprint, a number of important results are already emerging, from gas generation through to eng …
  7. Subject
    Committee work and standardisation
    Committee work and standardisation Standards establish the basis for reliable and reproducible testing. We are committed to developing appropriate standards. Board work; © skynesher | …
  8. Subject
    Water analytics
    Water analytics To optimize and evaluate the effectiveness of water treatment processes water constituents and properties must be determined. A range of methods are used to analyze water samples. Elem …
  9. Getting started
    Water research
    Water as a critical resource The DVGW Research Center works to ensure that water, as a critical resource for public services, can be provided through the drinking water supply. An adequate quality and …
  10. News from 10.06.2021
    Website relaunch
    News 10. June 2021 Relaunch of the DVGW-EBI website The DVGW-EBI has developed a new corporate design for its entire external communication. The design of the DVGW-EBI now harmonizes with the design o …
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