Announcement from 16/11/2021

The live virtual event is devoted to the DVGW project with the goal of reaching climate neutrality by 2050—primarily driven by the ongoing replacement of natural gas with climate-friendly gases.
The half-day event delves into the integrated concept of the project and core issues on the future of the gas supply in Germany:

  • renewable gases and transformation of the gas networks, gas infrastructure
  • local potential, import and costs of H2 and synthetic gases
  • H2-readiness of the gas applications
  • energy demand and supply of the DVGW scenario modelling

Make sure you’re there on 3 December to
chat with the DVGW experts.
You can find the detailed programme at:

If you have any questions or comments, please contact
Dr. Frank Graf
Bereichsleiter Gastechnologie
Phone+49 721 608-41220